Tomer Gabel's annoying spot on the 'net RSS 2.0
# Thursday, 16 June 2005
Slava, one of my colleagues, asked me to help him out on a strange issue: he's integrating an old 2D vector engine (written in C++/MFC) into a new .NET 1.1 WinForms application. The vector engine exposes an API through a native DLL export, along with a bunch of structures. The issue was with unmarshalling one of the native structures: everything seemed to be unmarshalling correctly except for the double values (we got things like 2.53e-250 - uuh, not likely).

Slava's already managed to consume the same DLL successfully from Delphi, and upon reviewing the two we couldn't find any difference. What we managed to miss at first was that the Delphi marshalled structure was declared with a {$a-} prefix, which means "ignore alignment" - otherwise Delphi might assume that the structure might be in some way memory-aligned.

Figuring that our .NET woes might be due to the same issue, a quick look around MSDN revealed to us that the StructLayoutAttribute(LayoutKind.Sequential) declaration also relied on the "pack" member of the same class, which "controls the alignment of data fields of a class or structure in memory." My logical conclusion as a programmer would be that creating a sequential structure would default to a straighforward memory representation - i.e. no alignment - but apparently it's misguided; .NET defaults to 8-byte alignment for managed structures. We set the alignment size to 4 and voila - problem solved.

This only goes to prove that even the simplest and subtlest of programming challenges can baffle even experienced developers, and both Slava and I wasted quite a bit of time on this issue. The moral? There isn't one, really; just expect to be baffled now and then no matter what you've seen or been through.

Thursday, 16 June 2005 09:04:19 (Jerusalem Standard Time, UTC+02:00)  #    -
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