Tomer Gabel's annoying spot on the 'net RSS 2.0
# Tuesday, 16 August 2005
I came across a fairly unusual situation today, where a referenced assembly contained XML schemas as embedded resources. The schemas may (and do) contain <xs:include> and <xs:import> directives, which could not be resolved when I was trying to compile the schema: the schemas were including other schemas by relative URI (for example, SystemConfig.xsd has an <xs:include schemaLocation="Base.xsd" /> directive), and when the schemas are loaded from a resource there are no URIs to speak of.

After a bit of reading I settled down to write a custom implementation of XmlResolver. It's used like so:

Assembly container = typeof( anyTypeFromTheResourceAssembly ).Assembly;
XmlResourceResolver resolver = new XmlResourceResolver( container );
schema = XmlSchema.Read( stream, new ValidationEventHandler( schemaValidationEventHandler ) );
schema.Compile( new ValidationEventHandler( schemaValidationEventHandler ), resolver );

Grab it here, and do let me know if you find this useful or have any comments/questions!

Update (18:58 GMT+2): Interesting. Apparently a developer called Jay Harlow wrote a similar class a while ago; his is VB.NET, mine is C#, but the similarity is staggering. So if you're looking for a VB.NET version of the class, there you are :-)

Tuesday, 16 August 2005 13:41:57 (Jerusalem Standard Time, UTC+02:00)  #    -
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