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# Thursday, 28 September 2006

(This is the first in a series of posts, in which I will try to articulate the various problems of communication in the software field and possible ideas on how to solve those problems.)

One of the most interesting aspects of being a software developer is communication. Perhaps the single most important trait of a good software developer is the ability to communicate with varying audiences:

  • First and foremost, a software developer must be able to communicate effectively with the other developers on his team. The usual tools apply: e-mails, whiteboard, hall meetings, source code comments. For a developer this is relatively easy, since it is unnecessary to translate the technical abstractions into a coherent conceptual model: the abstractions themselves are familiar to all sides of the conversation.
  • A software developer must also be able to communicate effectively with his team leader, project manager, boss - whatever you want to call it. This isn't quite as easy, as such communication can have serious repercussions on the project, the work environment and - potentially - the developer's career. Managers are usually not privy to the ultra-technical subculture of software developers, and although they almost always come from the same background they have just as often given up on subtle technicalities.
  • Finally, a software developer must be able to communicate effectively with clients. At some point in almost every developer's career he is required to meet and at least converse with a client, sometimes in order to figure out a bug, sometimes in order to gather requirements for a new project. A lot of developers would rather avoid these encounters because they are forced to re-think everything they say and translate abstractions. A client is not, generally, heavily interested in technical matters, so these must be explained carefully and coherently; most developers I know find this process frustrating and draining.

A developer that delves into management is assumed to already be proficient in the above scenarios, but management brings a whole new slew of communication problems to the table:

  • A manager is required to communicate with clients on a whole different level. When a developer is asked to make an estimate, the estimate forms a basis for the cost and schedule estimates his manager provides to the clients. The difference is that the manager is required to explain these estimates and is personally accountable to same. It is the manager's job to continuously communicate with the client, reassure, explain and assume responsibility for whatever pitfalls and hurdles the project encounters, and generally make sure the project is on track. A manager is also required to act as a filter between the client and the developers on the team for everyone's sake: on the one hand the manager is required to "protect" the developers and the project from ridiculous requests and whims on the client's side, and on the other hand he is required to make sure the client's requirements are fulfilled to his satisfaction.
  • A manager must communicate effectively with the developers on his team. He must establish trust and confidence, so that he can constantly be aware of what goes on with his team while avoiding micromanagement and wasteful status meetings. This isn't easy because the manager and the developer are fundamentally on opposite sides: efficiency vs "doing the right thing", choosing wisely instead of following trends, cutting corners instead of continuous refactoring and improvement. The only glue they have is the desire for a successful project. A good manager must communicate his decisions to the developers on his team to constantly maintain the trust and confidence he has built; a frustrated or uptight developer is an inefficient developer.
  • Finally, a manager must be able to communicate effectively with other managers. This is the least trivial form of communication for a variety of reasons: sometimes the corporate atmosphere requires managers to be ultra-competitive. It is hard working for a shared goal ("the good of the company") when one is constantly competing with one's peers. Even lack of competition can be an issue when two managers from different schools of management must collaborate, or when one manager is frustrated by the other's inefficiency. And even when all managers are equally efficient and equally dedicated to the shared goal, they must still share information between them and make sure the collective company process is on track.

You'll notice that the two lists are in opposite order. This is no coincidence; I ordered the lists so that the more difficult of the tasks are further down the list, so for developers the most difficult form of communication is usually with customers, whereas for managers it's communication with other managers.

The next post will deal with knowledge management and how we've used a wiki internally in our organization to alleviate the overhead of communication between managers.

Thursday, 28 September 2006 11:35:37 (Jerusalem Standard Time, UTC+02:00)  #    -
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